
der himmel...blau

die wiese...grün
die schuhe...rot
die sonne...gelb

malerhemd und malerhose an
die farben ausgepackt und aufs blatt

der erste strich ganz aufgeregt
der zweite links nebendran
ist schon gelassener

mit schwung und elan
bis die farbe auf blatt hemd und hose


und nochmal


none of your business, mister.

how i am
how i will be
who i will be
what i do
what i will do
how i will feel

none of it is your business, mister.
not since you left me.

you may feel friendly towards me.
i do not feel friendly.
i fell in love with you.

i want to heal my heart.
and my heart is still hurting.

i drop off your surface.
i am none of your business, mister.


an open heart (II)

it is raw
it is rough
it is bloody
and everything is there

it is open
it is wide
and anything is possible

get up
get going
see the landscape
embrace it
it is beautiful

walk through it
see the dawn
and see the sunset
always changing
and always the same

this is you
you can get lost
and you will never loose yourself

i will always find myself

hier bin ich. wo ist hier?

wo will ich hin? was ist hier? was bin ich? wer bin ich?

hörst du?

hörst du mich?
höre ich mich?
höre ich mir zu?

oder bin ich schon wieder taub? taub für die stimme in mir? für meine bedürfnisse, wünsche?

...setz dich und lass mal hören...
egal wie lange ich brauche, bis ich was höre, bis ich was sage.
ruhe, geduld und das aushalten sind der schlüssel.

sit down and listen

psst. quiet.


slipping back

into old routines would be too easy. i will not (want to) do that.


as of now

enough niceties.

as of now i will stop being available all the time right away.
i am tired of being seen as some sofa: always there. very nice and comfortable, but nothing to be concerned of that it isnt there tomorrow anymore.

as of now i will stop being so easy.
you want me? you are interested in me? well, show me. prove it to me that you really want me. that you deserve me. gain my trust. fight for my love.